Intending couples must give the church at least six months prior notice of their wedding.
Couples (BOTH) must attend and complete the marriage counseling classes.
House fellowship (a) if both are Trinity House members, they must belong to and be acknowledged by the leader (b) if it’s a Trinity House member, he/she must belong to and also be acknowledged by the cell leader.
The proposed wedding date must be convenient and acceptable to the church (confirmation by the church secretary and noted in the church diary of the event).
Couples are to produce written letters from their parents/guidance consenting to the proposed marriage. This should be filed with the counseling department at least one month before the wedding day.
Couples from other churches must present a letter from their church(es), stating that they are aware of Trinity House conducting the wedding ceremony.
Genotype blood test to be submitted to the department on or before the 3rd class of that session.
The bride will undergo a pregnancy test upon registration fothe r premarital marriage counseling class and one week before the wedding date at the clinic accredited by Trinity House. Failure to comply automatically excuses Trinity House from the marriage arrangements.
Couples are to complete their classes at least one month before the wedding day.
All forms given by the counseling department must be duly filled and returned to the department not later than two weeks after the commencement of the marriage counseling class.
The bride, chief bridesmaid, and the wedding train must ensure that their gowns conform to the church’sspecificationsn (see attached). The gowns must be presented to the counseling department for examination and vetting at least four (4) weeks before the wedding day.
Approved wedding program must be submitted to the church at least three days before the wedding day.
Couple and their best man/chief bridesmaid to attend two dress rehearsals 3 weeks & 1 week respectively before the wedding day.
Trinity House frowns seriously at lateness to church on wedding day.
Couples are to arrive at the church premises 30mins before the commencement of wedding service.