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Hannah’s Haven

Welcome to Hannah’s Haven

Trinity House Junior Church, known as ‘Hannah’s Haven’ is a Sunday school for children aged between two and twelve years.

Hannah’s Haven teaches the Word of God in an age-appropriate, understanding, exciting and interesting way, in an atmosphere of love and care.

Our focus is to build, nurture and instill the message of our Lord Jesus Christ as stated in Matthew 22:37-40; “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind; this is the first and ‘Greatest Commandment’. And the second is like it; You shall love your neighbour as yourself.”

Our Vision

To create an atmosphere where children will be saved, sanctified, spirit-filled, sold out to God, loving and respecting others from an early age and always

Over the years, we have seen our children mature into spiritually and physically confident teenagers and adults, doing right and impacting their communities at large.

Our teachers are qualified, God-fearing and Spirit-filled, always willing and readily available to teach, pray and help nurture the children in the way of the Lord.

Our heartbeat includes raising heaven-bound children who would be responsible to their community and the nation at large. We endeavor to teach, engage and ensure the children are well grounded in the word of God while ensuring the sessions are quite interactive, interesting and exciting.

We look forward to having the children every Sunday as we welcome them with open arms in the name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ and into the presence of the Almighty God. 

Some of our Activities

  • Learning about God and His Word through Bible reading, Biblical games and songs for everyday living
  • Various Activities & Presentations on special occasions
  • Career Talk by Parents
  • Hannah’s Haven Community Service Project (CSP), where children are involved in fundraising activities such as, bake sales, crafting of gifts and presents for the less privileged
  • Team up with parents to encourage children on Bible knowledge and personal spiritual growth, with weekly workbook tasks
  • Discuss observations and give feedback to parents
  • Practical and theoretical Etiquette training
  • Fun activities such as Arts and Craft, as well as extra-Curricular activities, where children respectively have fun getting their hands dirty and developing skills learnt